Broadcast and Communication
Center for Conscious Evolution


One of the greatest positive impacts on overall human consciousness will occur when our media distribution channels realize their evolutionary role as prime communicators of the challenges and opportunities humans face, not from a stance of drama and market-oriented hype, but from a sense of responsibility to world service at this crucial juncture. A global media devoted to serve the positive evolution of humankind that communicates clearly, without promoting fear and adversity or focusing excessively on violence and mistrust, will be a truly great leap in human consciousness. Indeed, the transformation of world media is of equal importance to a shift in education as a key turning point in the direction of human development.

To this end, their are a number of important pioneering efforts to establish new programs and channels of media distribution which are based on values and content that reflect the spiritual, cultural, and intellectual communion of our diverse world family. A few examples include:

Earth Communications Office

Live from the Peace Room, with Barbara Marx Hubbard

New Dimensions Radio

Radio for Peace International


Wisdom Media Group


There are undoubtedly numerous other such efforts in the works, and as well the revolution of media distribution that broadband Internet technology represents in the next five to seven years will impact the massive media giants in a way similar to what has been experienced in the past few years in the music industry. Whether consciously chosen or not, a transformation in the media world is underway.


copyright©2001 Marshall Lefferts
All permissions for copying and distribution granted